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> The world's most beautiful buildings everyone should see before they die
The world's most beautiful buildings everyone should see before they die
Amazing architecture Beauty is, famously, in the eye of the beholder, but few would deny that these stunning architectural marvels rank among the world's most attractive structures. From opulent palaces and soaring modern skyscrapers to fairy-tale castles, it's no surprise that these spectacular buildings draw thousands of tourists every year.
Burj Al Arab, Dubai, UAE Often dubbed 'the world's only seven-star hotel' (erroneously, as official rankings stop at five), the Burj Al Arab is one of Dubai’s most iconic structures, and goes a long way to earning its nickname. Resembling a billowing ship's sail, it stands proudly just off the Dubai shoreline and is best seen from Jumeirah Beach at sunset, when the skies turn all shades of pink and orange.


Burj Al Arab, Dubai, UAE Once inside, the hotel is unquestionably at the high end of high-end. Michelin-starred restaurant Al Muntaha peers out from the 27th floor, offering gloriously panoramic dining, while the award-winning spa has infinity pools to spare. Aesthetically, it's a little more divisive: with gaudy colours and clashing patterns throughout, it has been described as ugly by some visitors.