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> How many millionaires live in Canada, compared to the rest of the world
How many millionaires live in Canada, compared to the rest of the world
Who wants to be a millionaire? For many of us, having millions in the bank is a dream – but for some lucky individuals, that financial fantasy is a reality. Credit Suisse expects there to be 86 million millionaires across the globe by 2027. But where in the world are they likely to call home?
Japan: 2.6% of the adult population In 2021, an estimated 3,224,000 millionaires lived in Japan, the third-highest amount after the US and China. At that time, 3.2% of the adult population held millionaire status, and 5% of the world’s wealthiest people resided in the Asian nation. Fast-forward to 2022, the latest full year for which data is available, and the situation looked a little different. Now home to 2,757,000 millionaires, a drop of over 608,000, Japan has been overtaken by France, falling to fourth in the chart for the overall number of millionaires. Today, just 2.6% of the country's adult population are millionaires, with slow economic growth and a shrinking population posited as reasons behind the slump.


Italy: 2.7% of the adult population Around 1,335,000 millionaires are living la dolce vita in Italy, according to Credit Suisse. That works out at around 2.7% of the adult population. While Italy is 29th on our list regarding its share of millionaires, the European nation ranks disproportionately high when it comes to billionaires. Data from Statista last year shows Italy is home to the world's 10th-highest number of billionaires, with confectionery businessman Giovanni Ferrero the richest of them all. According to Forbes, Ferrero has a net worth of $39.8 billion (£32bn).