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> Prehistoric art in a mysterious South American cave is a lot older than we once thought
Prehistoric art in a mysterious South American cave is a lot older than we once thought
Just how old is the art in Cueva Huenul 1? The history of humanity is no stranger to complex mysteries, but scientists helped uncover a tiny piece of our complicated past when they deciphered some very strange ancient cave paintings that have puzzled archeologists.
What was the purpose of the art? The mysterious artwork painted onto the walls of a cave in South America has turned out to be far older than archeologists had previously thought, and now we finally know what they were thanks to a recent study on the art by a group of enterprising archeologists.


Older than researchers expected “It turned out to be several millennia older than we expected,” the lead author of a study looking at the cave painting told Live Science. Guadalupe Romero Villanueva also went on to explain that he and his team “got a surprise.”