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> Man finds $7.5 million hidden in storage unit he bought for $500

Man finds $7.5 million hidden in storage unit he bought for $500

A man once received much more than he bargained for from a simple $500 (£390) purchase. It all started when the lucky buyer bought a storage unit from Storage Wars auctioneer Dan Dotson. The US show focuses on the sales of locked-up storage units that have been untouched and unpaid for three months.

The owner of the storage units is then allowed to auction them off without knowing what's inside. In past episodes, people have acquired classic cars and unusual hidden gems. But one man found himself $7.5million (£5.8m) richer. "An older Asian woman at the table next to me kept looking at me like she wanted to tell me something," Dotson shared on his joint YouTube channel with his wife and fellow auctioneer Laura Dotson.

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○ Man finds $7.5 million hidden in storage unit he bought for $500

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" Eventually she walked up and told me her husband works with a guy who bought a unit from me for $500 and found a safe inside." He went on to claim that the buyer had brought someone in to open the unit but failed. "They called a second person and when that person opened it up... inside the safe they're normally empty, but this time it wasn't empty. It had $7.5million (£5.8m) cash inside," he added.

While it was unclear where the money had come from, Laura speculated: "Credit card went bad, it was finished, they moved away, perhaps the person went to jail... who knows what it was."

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